Hruska-Plochan M, Wiersma V, Betz K, Mallona I, Ronchi S, ManieckaZ, Hock EM, Tantardini E, Laferriere F, Sahadevan S, Hoop V, Delvendahl I, Pérez-Berlanga M, Gatta B, Panatta M, van der Bourg A, Bohaciakova D, Sharma P, De Vos L, Frontzek K, Aguzzi A, Lashley T, Robinson M, Karayannis T, Mueller M, Hierlemann M, Polymenidou M. (2024) A model of human neural networks reveals NPTX2 pathology in ALS and FTLD. Nature.
Fontana E, Bongianni M, Benussi A, Bronzato E, Scialo C, Sacchetto L, Cagnin A, Castriciano S, Buratti E, Gardoni F, Italia M, Schreiber A, Ferracin C, Fiorini M, Newell K L, Cracco L, Garringer H J, Cecchini M P, Polymenidou M, Padovani A, Monaco S, Legname G, Ghetti B, Borroni B, Zanusso G. (2023) Detection of TDP-43 seeding activity in the olfactory mucosa from patients with frontotemporal dementia. Alzheimers Dement.
Vollenweider V, Rehm K, Chepkirui C, Pérez-Berlanga M, Polymenidou M, Piel J, Bigler L, Kümmerli R. (2023) Antimicrobial activity of iron-depriving pyoverdines against human opportunistic pathogens. bioRxiv.
Pérez-Berlanga M, Wiersma V, Zbinden A, De Vos L, Wagner U, Foglieni C, Mallona I, Betz K M, Cléry A, Weber J, Guo Z, Rigort R, De Rossi P, Manglunia R, Tantardini E, Sahadevan S, Stach O, Hruska-Plochan M, Allain F H.-T, Paganetti P, Polymenidou M. (2023) Loss of TDP-43 oligomerization or RNA binding elicits distinct aggregation patterns. The EMBO Journal.
Losa M, Emmenegger M, De Rossi P, Schürch P M, Serdiuk T, Pengo N, Capron D, Bieli D, Rupp N J, Carta M C, Frontzek K J, Lysenko V, Reimann R R, Lakkaraju A K K, Nuvolone M, Westermark G T, Nilsson K P R, Polymenidou M, Theocharides A P A, Hornemann S, Picotti P, Aguzzi A. (2023) The ASC inflammasome adapter controls the severity of inflammation-related AA amyloidosis. bioRxiv.
Cordts I, Wachinger A, Scialo C, Lingor P, Polymenidou M, Buratti E, Feneberg E. (2023) TDP-43 Proteinopathy Specific Biomarker Development. Cells.
Wiersma V, Rigort R, Polymenidou M. (2022) Tau: a phase in the crowd. The EMBO Journal.
Avar M, Heinzer D, Thackray A M, Liu Y, Hruska-Plochan M, Sellitto S, Schaper E, Pease D P, Yin J-A, Lakkaraju A K.K., Emmenegger M, Losa M, Chincisan A, Hornemann S, Polymenidou M, Bujdoso R, Aguzzi A. (2022) An arrayed genome-wide perturbation screen identifies the ribonucleoprotein hnRNP K as rate-limiting for Prion propagation. The EMBO Journal.
Sahadevan S, Perez-Berlanga M, Polymenidou M, (2022) Identification of RNA-RBP interactions in subcellular compartments by CLIP-Seq. Springer.
Jambeau M, Meyer K.D, Hruska-Plochan M, Tabet R, Lee C-Z, Ray-Soni A, Aguilar C, Savage K, Mishra N, Cavegn N, Borter P, Lin C-C, Jansen-West K, Jiang J, Freyermuth F, Li N, De Rossi P, Perez-Berlanga M, Jiang X, Daughrity L M, Pereira J, Narayanan S, Gu Y, Dhokai S, Dalkilic-Liddle I, Maniecka Z, Weber J, Workman M, McAlonis-Downes M, Berezovski E, Zhang Y-J, Berry J, Wainger B J, Kankel M W, Rushe M, Hock C, Nitsch R M, Cleveland D W, Petrucelli L, Gendron T, Montrasio F, Grimm J, Polymenidou M, Lagier-Tourenne C (2022) Comprehensive preclinical evaluation of human-derived anti-poly-GA antibodies in cellular and animal models of C9ORF72 disease. PNAS.
Hruska-Plochan M, Hembach KM, Ronchi S, Wiersma V.I, Maniecka Z, Hock EM, Laferrière F, Sahadevan S, Hoop V, Delvendahl I, Panatta M, van der Bourg A, Bohaciakova D, Frontzek K, Aguzzi A, Lashley T, Robinson MD, Karayannis T, Mueller M, Hierlemann A, Polymenidou M. (2021) Human neural networks with sparse TDP-43 pathology reveal NPTX2 misregulation in ALS/FTLD. bioRxiv.
De Rossi P, Lewis A.J, Furrer J, De Vos L, Demeter T, Zbinden A, Zhong W, Wiersma V.I, Scialo C, Weber J, Guo Z, Scaramuzza S, Di Fabrizio M, Böing C, Castano-Diez D, Al-Amoudi A, Pérez-Berlanga M, Lashley T, Stahlberg H, Polymenidou M. (2021) FTLD-TDP assemblies seed neoaggregates with subtype-specific features via a prion-like cascade. EMBO Reports.
Wiersma V, Polymenidou M. (2021) Sharing is caring: The benefits of distributing protein aggregates among microglial networks. Neuron.
Emmenegger M, De Cecco E, Hruska-Plochan M, Eninger T, Schneider MM, Barth M, Tantardini E, De Rossi P, Bacioglu M, Langston RG, Kaganovich A, Bengoa-Vergniory N, Gonzalez-Guerra A, Avar M, Heinzer D, Reimann R, Häsler LM, Herling TW, Matharu NS, Landeck N, Luk K, Melki R, Kahle PJ, Hornemann S, Knowles TPJ, Cookson MR, Polymenidou M, Jucker M & Aguzzi A. (2021) LAG3 is not expressed in human and murine neurons and does not modulate α-synucleinopathies. EMBO Molecular Medicine.
Sahadevan S, Hembach KM, Tantardini E, Pérez-Berlanga M, Hruska-Plochan M, Megat S, Weber J, Schwarz P, Dupuis L, Robinson MD, De Rossi P & Polymenidou M. (2021) Synaptic FUS accumulation triggers early misregulation of synaptic RNAs in a mouse model of ALS. Nature Communications.
Scekic-Zahirovic J, Sanjuan-Ruiz I, Kan V, Megat S, De Rossi P, (...), Polymenidou M, Lagier-Tourenne C, Liebscher S & Dupuis L. (2021) Cytoplasmic FUS triggers early behavioral alterations linked to cortical neuronal hyperactivity and inhibitory synaptic defects. Nature Communications.
Hutten S, Usluer S, Bourgeois B, Simonetti F, Odeh HM, Fare CM, Czuppa M, Hruska-Plochan M, Hofweber M, Polymenidou M, Shorter J, Edbauer D, Madl T, Dormann D. (2020) Nuclear Import Receptors Directly Bind to Arginine-Rich Dipeptide Repeat Proteins and Suppress Their Pathological Interactions. Cell Reports.
Zbinden A, Pérez-Berlanga M, De Rossi P, Polymenidou M. (2020) Phase Separation and Neurodegenerative Diseases: A Disturbance in the Force. Developmental Cell - Cell Press.
Polymenidou M. A Gut Feeling about C9ORF72. Trends in Immunology.
Pérez-Berlanga M, Laferrière F, Polymenidou M. SarkoSpin: A Technique for Biochemical Isolation and Characterization of Pathological TDP-43 Aggregates. Bio-protocol.
Afroz T, Pérez-Berlanga M, Polymenidou M. (2019) Structural Transition, Function and Dysfunction of TDP-43 in Neurodegenerative Diseases. Chimia.
Loughlin FE, Lukavsky PJ, Kazeeva T, Reber S, Hock EM, Colombo M, Von Schroetter C, Pauli P, Cléry A, Mühlemann O, Polymenidou M, Ruepp MD, Allain FH. (2019) The Solution Structure of FUS Bound to RNA Reveals a Bipartite Mode of RNA Recognition with Both Sequence and Shape Specificity. Molecular Cell - Cell press.
Laferrière F, Maniecka Z, Pérez-Berlanga M, Hruska-Plochan M, Gilhespy L, Hock E-M, Wagner U, Afroz T, Boersema P J, Barmettler G, Foti S C, Asi Y T, Isaacs A M, Al-Amoudi A, Lewis A, Stahlberg H, Ravits J, De Giorgi F, Ichas F, Bezard E, Picotti P, Lashley T, Polymenidou M. (2019) TDP-43 extracted from frontotemporal lobar degeneration subject brains displays distinct aggregate assemblies and neurotoxic effects reflecting disease progression rates. Nature Neuroscience.
Jawaid A, Woldemichael BT, Kremer EA, Lafferriere F, Gaur N, Afroz T, Polymenidou M, Mansuy IM. (2019) Memory decline and its reversal in aging and neurodegeneration involve miR-183/96/182 biogenesis. Molecular Neurobiology.
Jawaid, A, Khan R, Polymenidou M, Schulz PE. (2018) Disease-modifying effects of metabolic perturbations in ALS/FTLD. Molecular Neurodegeneration.
Boersema PJ, Melnik A, Hazenberg BPC, Rezeli M, Marko-Varga G, Kamiie J, Portelius E, Blennow K, Zubarev RA, Polymenidou M, Picotti P. (2018) Biology/Disease-Driven Initiative on Protein-Aggregation Diseases of the Human Proteome Project: Goals and Progree to Date. Journal of Proteome Research.
Hock EM, Maniecka Z, Hruska-Plochan M, Reber S, Laferrière F, Sahadevan M.K. S, Ederle H, Gittings L, Pelkmans L, Dupuis L, Lashley T, Ruepp M-D, Dormann D, Polymenidou M. (2018) Hypertonic stress causes cytoplasmic translocation of neural, but not astrocytic, FUS due to impaired transportin function. Cell Reports.
Polymenidou M. (2018) The RNA face of phase separation. Science.
Beynaems S, Alberti S, Fawzi N.L., Mittag T, Polymenidou M, Rousseau F, Schymkowitz J, Shorter J, Wolozin B, Van Den Bosch L, Tompa P, Fuxreiter M. (2018) Protein phase separation: a new phase in Cell Biology. Trends in Cell Biology.
Foglieni C, Papin S, Salvadè A, Afroz T, Pinton S, Pedrioli G, Ulrich G, Polymenidou M & Paganetti P. (2017) Split GFP technologies to structurally characterize and quantify functional biomolecular interactions of FTD-related proteins. Scientific Reports.
Afroz T, Hock EM, Ernst P, Foglieni C, Jambeau M, Gilhespy L A.B., Laferriere F, Maniecka Z, Plückthun A, Mittl P, Paganetti P, Allain F H.T& Polymenidou M. (2017) Functional and dynamic polymerization of the ALS-linked protein TDP-43 antagonizes its pathologic aggregation. Nature Communications.
Leske H, Hornemann S, Herrmann US, Zhu C, Dametto P, Li B, Laferriere F, Polymenidou M, Pelczar P, Reimann RR, Schwarz P, Rushing EJ, Wüthrich K, Aguzzi A.(2017) Protease resistance of infectious prions is suppressed by removal of a single atom in the cellular prion protein. PLoS One.
Polymenidou M, Cleveland DW.(2017) Biological Spectrum of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Prions. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med.
Hock EM, Polymenidou M (2016), Prion-like propagation as a pathogenic principle in frontotemporal dementia. Journal of Neurochemistry.
Hruska-Plochan M, Li B, Diego K, Kruetzfeldt J, Landmesser U, Aguzzi A and Polymenidou M (2015) New and emerging roles of small RNAs in neurodegeneration, muscle and inflammatory diseases. Swiss Medical Weekly.
Mitchell JC, Constable R, So E, Vance C, Scotter E, Glover L, Hortobagyi T, Arnold ES, Ling SC, McAlonis M, Da Cruz S, Polymenidou M, Tessarolo L, Cleveland DW, Shaw CE (2015) Wild type human TDP-43 potentiates ALS-linked mutant TDP-43 driven progressive motor and cortical neuron degeneration with pathological features of ALS. Acta Neuropathol Commun.
Maniecka Z, Polymenidou M (2015) From nucleation to widespread propagation: A prion-like concept for ALS. Virus Research.
Laferriere F, Polymenidou M (2015) Advances and challenges in understanding the multifaceted pathogenesis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Swiss Medical Weekly.
Lagier-Tourenne C, Baughn M, Rigo F, Sun S, Liu P, Li HR, Jiang J, Watt AT, Chun S, Katz M, Qiu J, Sun Y, Ling S-C, Zhu Q, Polymenidou M, Drenner K, Artates JW, McAlonis-Downes M, Markmiller S, Hutt KR, Pizzo DP, Cady J, Harms MB, Baloh RH, Vandenberg SR, Yeo GW, Fu X-D, Bennett CF, Cleveland DW, Ravits J (2013) Targeted degradation of sense and antisense C9orf72 RNA foci as therapy for ALS and frontotemporal degeneration PNAS.
Ling SC, Polymenidou M, Cleveland DW (2013) Converging mechanisms in ALS and FTLD through disrupted RNA or protein homeostasis, Neuron.
Arnold ES, Ling S-C, Huelga SC, Lagier-Tourenne C, Polymenidou M, Ditsworth D, Kordasiewicz HB, McAlonis-Downes M, Platoshyn O, Parone PA, DaCruz S, Clutario KM, Swing D, Tessarollo L, Marsala M, Shaw CE, Yeo GW, Cleveland DW (2013) ALS-linked TDP-43 mutations produce aberrant RNA splicing and adult-onset motor neuron disease without aggregation or loss of nuclear TDP-43 PNAS.
Baral PK, Wieland B, Swayampakula M, Polymenidou M, Rahman MH, Kav NNV, Aguzzi A, James MNG (2012) Structural studies on the folded domain of the human prion protein bound to the Fab fragment of the antibody POM1 Acta Crystallogr.
Lagier-Tourenne C*, Polymenidou M*, Hutt KR*, Vu AQ, Clutario K, Baughn M, Huelga SC, Ling SC, Liang TY, Mazur C, Wancewicz E, Kim AS, Watt A, Freier S, Hicks GG, Donohue JP, Shiue L, Bennett CF, Ravits J, Cleveland DW and Yeo GW (2012) Divergent roles of ALS-linked proteins FUS/TLS and TDP-43 intersect in processing long pre-mRNAs, Nature Neuroscience. [*equal contribution]
Polymenidou M, Cleveland DW (2012) Prion-like spread of protein aggregates in neurodegeneration Journal of Experimental Medicine.
Polymenidou M*, Lagier-Tourenne C*, Hutt KR*, Bennett CF, Yeo GW, Cleveland DW (2012) Misregulated RNA processing in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Brain Research.
Baral PK, Wieland B, Swayampakula M, Polymenidou M, Aguzzi A, Kav NNV, James MNG (2011) Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of prion protein bound to the Fab fragment of the POM1 antibody Acta Crystal.
Polymenidou M, Cleveland DW (2011) The Seeds of Neurodegeneration: Prion-like Spreading in ALS. Cell,
Polymenidou M*, Lagier-Tourenne C*, Hutt KR*, Huelga SC, Moran J, Liang TY, Ling SC, Sun E, Wancewicz E, Mazur C, Kordasiewicz H, Sedaghat Y, Donohue JP, Shiue L, Bennett CF, Yeo GW, Cleveland DW (2011) Long pre-mRNA depletion and RNA missplicing contribute to neuronal vulnerability from loss of TDP-43 Nature Neurosc, [*equal contribution]
Hafner-Bratkovič I, Bester R, Pristovšek P, Gaedtke L, Veranič P, Gašperšič J, Manček-Keber M, Avbelj M, Polymenidou M, Julius C, Aguzzi A, Vorberg I, Jerala R (2011) Globular domain of the prion protein needs to be unlocked by domain swapping to support prion protein conversion Journal of Biological Chemistry,
Polymenidou M*, Prokop S*, Jung HH, Hewer E, Peretz D, Moos R, Tolnay M, Aguzzi A (2011) Atypical prion protein conformation in familial prion disease with PRNP P105T mutation Brain Pathology, [*equal contribution]
Lagier-Tourenne C*, Polymenidou M*, Cleveland DW (2010) TDP-43 and FUS/TLS: emerging roles in RNA processing and neurodegeneration Human Mol Gen, [*equal contribution]
Ilieva H, Polymenidou M, Cleveland DW (2009) Non-cell autonomous toxicity in neurodegenerative disorders: ALS and beyond, Journal of Cell Biology,
Xanthopoulos K, Polymenidou M, Bellworthy S, Benestad S, Sklaviadis T (2009) Species and Strain Glycosylation Patterns of PrPSc, PLoS One,
Le Pichon C, Valley M, Polymenidou M, Chesler A, Sagdullaev B, Aguzzi A, Firestein S (2009) Olfactory behavior and physiology are disrupted in prion protein knockout mice Nature Neuroscience.
Heikenwalder M, Kurrer M, Margalith I, Julius C, Zeller N, Haybaeck J, Polymenidou M, Matter M, Schwarz P, Bremer J, Kranich J, Jackson W, Lindquist S, Sigurdson CJ, Aguzzi A (2008) Lymphotoxin-dependent prion replication in inflammatory stromal cells of granulomas, Immunity.
Polymenidou M, Moos R, Scott M, Sigurdson M, Shi Y-Z, Yajima B, Hafner-Bratkovič I, Jerala R, Hornemann S, Wuthrich K, Bellon A, Vey M, Garen G, James MNG, Kav N, Aguzzi A (2008) The POM monoclonals a comprehensive set of antibodies to non-overlapping prion protein epitopes PloS One.
Polymenidou M, Cleveland DW (2008) Motor neuron disease: The curious ways of ALS, Nature
Kranich J, Krautler NJ, Heinen E, Polymenidou M, Bridel C, Schildknecht A, Huber C, Kosco-Vilbois MH, Zinkernagel R, Miele G, Aguzzi A (2008) Follicular dendritic cells control engulfment of apoptotic bodies by secreting Mfge8 Journal of Experimental Medicine
Polymenidou M*, Trusheim H*, Stallmach L, Moos R, Julius C, Lenz-Bauer C, Aguzzi A, (2008) Canine MDCK cell lines are refractory to infection with human and mouse prions Vaccine [*equal contribution]
Sigurdson CJ*, Nilsson P*, Hornemann S, Manco G, Polymenidou M, Schwarz P, Leclerc M, Hammarström P, Aguzzi A (2007) Prion strain discrimination using luminescent conjugated polymers, Nature Methods [*equal contribution]
Aguzzi A, Heikenwalder M, Polymenidou M (2007)Insights into prion strains and neurotoxicity, Nature Rev Mol Cell Biol
Sigurdson CJ, Manco G, Schwarz P, Liberski P, Hoover EA, Hornemann S, Polymenidou M, Miller MW, Glatzel M, Aguzzi A (2006) Strain fidelity of chronic wasting disease upon murine adaptation Journal of Virology
Sigurdson CJ, Polymenidou M, Aguzzi A (2005) Reconstructing prions: fibril assembly from simple yeast to complex mammals, Neurodegenerative Dis
Polymenidou M*, Stoeck K*, Glatzel M, Vey M, Bellon A, Aguzzi A (2005) Coexistence of multiple PrPSc types in individuals with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Lancet Neurology, 4, 805-14 [*equal contribution]
Donofrio G*, Heppner FL*, Polymenidou M, Musahl C, Aguzzi A (2005) Paracrine inhibition of prion propagation by anti-PrP single-chain Fv miniantibodies, Journal of Virology. [*equal contribution]
Polymenidou M*, Heppner FL*, Pellicioli EC, Urich E, Miele G, Braun N, Wopfner F, Schätzl HM, BecherB, Aguzzi A (2004) Humoral immune response to native eukaryotic prion protein correlates with anti-prion protection, PNAS. [*equal contribution]
Heikenwalder M*, Polymenidou M*, Junt T, Sigurdson C, Wagner C, Akira S, Zinkernagel R, Aguzzi A (2004) Lymphoid follicle destruction and immunosuppression after repeated CpG oligodeoxynucleotide administration Nature Medicine [*equal contribution]
Aguzzi A, Polymenidou M (2004) Mammalian Prion Biology: One Century of Evolving Concepts, Cell
Polymenidou M, Verghese-Nikolakaki S, Groschup M, Chaplin MJ, Stack MJ, Plaitakis A, Sklaviadis T (2002) A short purification process for quantitative isolation of PrPSc from naturally occurring and experimental transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, BMC Infectious Diseases
Verghese-Nikolakaki S, Michaloudi H, Polymenidou M, Groschup MH, Papadopoulos GC, Sklaviadis T (1999) Expression of the prion protein in the rat forebrain – an immunohistochemical study, Neuroscience Letters
Hruska-Plochan M, Wiersma V, Betz K, Mallona I, Ronchi S, ManieckaZ, Hock EM, Tantardini E, Laferriere F, Sahadevan S, Hoop V, Delvendahl I, Pérez-Berlanga M, Gatta B, Panatta M, van der Bourg A, Bohaciakova D, Sharma P, De Vos L, Frontzek K, Aguzzi A, Lashley T, Robinson M, Karayannis T, Mueller M, Hierlemann M, Polymenidou M. (2024) A model of human neural networks reveals NPTX2 pathology in ALS and FTLD. Nature.
Fontana E, Bongianni M, Benussi A, Bronzato E, Scialo C, Sacchetto L, Cagnin A, Castriciano S, Buratti E, Gardoni F, Italia M, Schreiber A, Ferracin C, Fiorini M, Newell K L, Cracco L, Garringer H J, Cecchini M P, Polymenidou M, Padovani A, Monaco S, Legname G, Ghetti B, Borroni B, Zanusso G. (2023) Detection of TDP-43 seeding activity in the olfactory mucosa from patients with frontotemporal dementia. Alzheimers Dement.
Vollenweider V, Rehm K, Chepkirui C, Pérez-Berlanga M, Polymenidou M, Piel J, Bigler L, Kümmerli R. (2023) Antimicrobial activity of iron-depriving pyoverdines against human opportunistic pathogens. bioRxiv.
Pérez-Berlanga M, Wiersma V, Zbinden A, De Vos L, Wagner U, Foglieni C, Mallona I, Betz K M, Cléry A, Weber J, Guo Z, Rigort R, De Rossi P, Manglunia R, Tantardini E, Sahadevan S, Stach O, Hruska-Plochan M, Allain F H.-T, Paganetti P, Polymenidou M. (2023) Loss of TDP-43 oligomerization or RNA binding elicits distinct aggregation patterns. The EMBO Journal.
Losa M, Emmenegger M, De Rossi P, Schürch P M, Serdiuk T, Pengo N, Capron D, Bieli D, Rupp N J, Carta M C, Frontzek K J, Lysenko V, Reimann R R, Lakkaraju A K K, Nuvolone M, Westermark G T, Nilsson K P R, Polymenidou M, Theocharides A P A, Hornemann S, Picotti P, Aguzzi A. (2023) The ASC inflammasome adapter controls the severity of inflammation-related AA amyloidosis. bioRxiv.
Cordts I, Wachinger A, Scialo C, Lingor P, Polymenidou M, Buratti E, Feneberg E. (2023) TDP-43 Proteinopathy Specific Biomarker Development. Cells.
Wiersma V, Rigort R, Polymenidou M. (2022) Tau: a phase in the crowd. The EMBO Journal.
Avar M, Heinzer D, Thackray A M, Liu Y, Hruska-Plochan M, Sellitto S, Schaper E, Pease D P, Yin J-A, Lakkaraju A K.K., Emmenegger M, Losa M, Chincisan A, Hornemann S, Polymenidou M, Bujdoso R, Aguzzi A. (2022) An arrayed genome-wide perturbation screen identifies the ribonucleoprotein hnRNP K as rate-limiting for Prion propagation. The EMBO Journal.
Sahadevan S, Perez-Berlanga M, Polymenidou M, (2022) Identification of RNA-RBP interactions in subcellular compartments by CLIP-Seq. Springer.
Jambeau M, Meyer K.D, Hruska-Plochan M, Tabet R, Lee C-Z, Ray-Soni A, Aguilar C, Savage K, Mishra N, Cavegn N, Borter P, Lin C-C, Jansen-West K, Jiang J, Freyermuth F, Li N, De Rossi P, Perez-Berlanga M, Jiang X, Daughrity L M, Pereira J, Narayanan S, Gu Y, Dhokai S, Dalkilic-Liddle I, Maniecka Z, Weber J, Workman M, McAlonis-Downes M, Berezovski E, Zhang Y-J, Berry J, Wainger B J, Kankel M W, Rushe M, Hock C, Nitsch R M, Cleveland D W, Petrucelli L, Gendron T, Montrasio F, Grimm J, Polymenidou M, Lagier-Tourenne C (2022) Comprehensive preclinical evaluation of human-derived anti-poly-GA antibodies in cellular and animal models of C9ORF72 disease. PNAS.
Hruska-Plochan M, Hembach KM, Ronchi S, Wiersma V.I, Maniecka Z, Hock EM, Laferrière F, Sahadevan S, Hoop V, Delvendahl I, Panatta M, van der Bourg A, Bohaciakova D, Frontzek K, Aguzzi A, Lashley T, Robinson MD, Karayannis T, Mueller M, Hierlemann A, Polymenidou M. (2021) Human neural networks with sparse TDP-43 pathology reveal NPTX2 misregulation in ALS/FTLD. bioRxiv.
De Rossi P, Lewis A.J, Furrer J, De Vos L, Demeter T, Zbinden A, Zhong W, Wiersma V.I, Scialo C, Weber J, Guo Z, Scaramuzza S, Di Fabrizio M, Böing C, Castano-Diez D, Al-Amoudi A, Pérez-Berlanga M, Lashley T, Stahlberg H, Polymenidou M. (2021) FTLD-TDP assemblies seed neoaggregates with subtype-specific features via a prion-like cascade. EMBO Reports.
Wiersma V, Polymenidou M. (2021) Sharing is caring: The benefits of distributing protein aggregates among microglial networks. Neuron.
Emmenegger M, De Cecco E, Hruska-Plochan M, Eninger T, Schneider MM, Barth M, Tantardini E, De Rossi P, Bacioglu M, Langston RG, Kaganovich A, Bengoa-Vergniory N, Gonzalez-Guerra A, Avar M, Heinzer D, Reimann R, Häsler LM, Herling TW, Matharu NS, Landeck N, Luk K, Melki R, Kahle PJ, Hornemann S, Knowles TPJ, Cookson MR, Polymenidou M, Jucker M & Aguzzi A. (2021) LAG3 is not expressed in human and murine neurons and does not modulate α-synucleinopathies. EMBO Molecular Medicine.
Sahadevan S, Hembach KM, Tantardini E, Pérez-Berlanga M, Hruska-Plochan M, Megat S, Weber J, Schwarz P, Dupuis L, Robinson MD, De Rossi P & Polymenidou M. (2021) Synaptic FUS accumulation triggers early misregulation of synaptic RNAs in a mouse model of ALS. Nature Communications.
Scekic-Zahirovic J, Sanjuan-Ruiz I, Kan V, Megat S, De Rossi P, (...), Polymenidou M, Lagier-Tourenne C, Liebscher S & Dupuis L. (2021) Cytoplasmic FUS triggers early behavioral alterations linked to cortical neuronal hyperactivity and inhibitory synaptic defects. Nature Communications.
Hutten S, Usluer S, Bourgeois B, Simonetti F, Odeh HM, Fare CM, Czuppa M, Hruska-Plochan M, Hofweber M, Polymenidou M, Shorter J, Edbauer D, Madl T, Dormann D. (2020) Nuclear Import Receptors Directly Bind to Arginine-Rich Dipeptide Repeat Proteins and Suppress Their Pathological Interactions. Cell Reports.
Zbinden A, Pérez-Berlanga M, De Rossi P, Polymenidou M. (2020) Phase Separation and Neurodegenerative Diseases: A Disturbance in the Force. Developmental Cell - Cell Press.
Polymenidou M. A Gut Feeling about C9ORF72. Trends in Immunology.
Pérez-Berlanga M, Laferrière F, Polymenidou M. SarkoSpin: A Technique for Biochemical Isolation and Characterization of Pathological TDP-43 Aggregates. Bio-protocol.
Afroz T, Pérez-Berlanga M, Polymenidou M. (2019) Structural Transition, Function and Dysfunction of TDP-43 in Neurodegenerative Diseases. Chimia.
Loughlin FE, Lukavsky PJ, Kazeeva T, Reber S, Hock EM, Colombo M, Von Schroetter C, Pauli P, Cléry A, Mühlemann O, Polymenidou M, Ruepp MD, Allain FH. (2019) The Solution Structure of FUS Bound to RNA Reveals a Bipartite Mode of RNA Recognition with Both Sequence and Shape Specificity. Molecular Cell - Cell press.
Laferrière F, Maniecka Z, Pérez-Berlanga M, Hruska-Plochan M, Gilhespy L, Hock E-M, Wagner U, Afroz T, Boersema P J, Barmettler G, Foti S C, Asi Y T, Isaacs A M, Al-Amoudi A, Lewis A, Stahlberg H, Ravits J, De Giorgi F, Ichas F, Bezard E, Picotti P, Lashley T, Polymenidou M. (2019) TDP-43 extracted from frontotemporal lobar degeneration subject brains displays distinct aggregate assemblies and neurotoxic effects reflecting disease progression rates. Nature Neuroscience.
Jawaid A, Woldemichael BT, Kremer EA, Lafferriere F, Gaur N, Afroz T, Polymenidou M, Mansuy IM. (2019) Memory decline and its reversal in aging and neurodegeneration involve miR-183/96/182 biogenesis. Molecular Neurobiology.
Jawaid, A, Khan R, Polymenidou M, Schulz PE. (2018) Disease-modifying effects of metabolic perturbations in ALS/FTLD. Molecular Neurodegeneration.
Boersema PJ, Melnik A, Hazenberg BPC, Rezeli M, Marko-Varga G, Kamiie J, Portelius E, Blennow K, Zubarev RA, Polymenidou M, Picotti P. (2018) Biology/Disease-Driven Initiative on Protein-Aggregation Diseases of the Human Proteome Project: Goals and Progree to Date. Journal of Proteome Research.
Hock EM, Maniecka Z, Hruska-Plochan M, Reber S, Laferrière F, Sahadevan M.K. S, Ederle H, Gittings L, Pelkmans L, Dupuis L, Lashley T, Ruepp M-D, Dormann D, Polymenidou M. (2018) Hypertonic stress causes cytoplasmic translocation of neural, but not astrocytic, FUS due to impaired transportin function. Cell Reports.
Polymenidou M. (2018) The RNA face of phase separation. Science.
Beynaems S, Alberti S, Fawzi N.L., Mittag T, Polymenidou M, Rousseau F, Schymkowitz J, Shorter J, Wolozin B, Van Den Bosch L, Tompa P, Fuxreiter M. (2018) Protein phase separation: a new phase in Cell Biology. Trends in Cell Biology.
Foglieni C, Papin S, Salvadè A, Afroz T, Pinton S, Pedrioli G, Ulrich G, Polymenidou M & Paganetti P. (2017) Split GFP technologies to structurally characterize and quantify functional biomolecular interactions of FTD-related proteins. Scientific Reports.
Afroz T, Hock EM, Ernst P, Foglieni C, Jambeau M, Gilhespy L A.B., Laferriere F, Maniecka Z, Plückthun A, Mittl P, Paganetti P, Allain F H.T& Polymenidou M. (2017) Functional and dynamic polymerization of the ALS-linked protein TDP-43 antagonizes its pathologic aggregation. Nature Communications.
Leske H, Hornemann S, Herrmann US, Zhu C, Dametto P, Li B, Laferriere F, Polymenidou M, Pelczar P, Reimann RR, Schwarz P, Rushing EJ, Wüthrich K, Aguzzi A.(2017) Protease resistance of infectious prions is suppressed by removal of a single atom in the cellular prion protein. PLoS One.
Polymenidou M, Cleveland DW.(2017) Biological Spectrum of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Prions. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med.
Hock EM, Polymenidou M (2016), Prion-like propagation as a pathogenic principle in frontotemporal dementia. Journal of Neurochemistry.
Hruska-Plochan M, Li B, Diego K, Kruetzfeldt J, Landmesser U, Aguzzi A and Polymenidou M (2015) New and emerging roles of small RNAs in neurodegeneration, muscle and inflammatory diseases. Swiss Medical Weekly.
Mitchell JC, Constable R, So E, Vance C, Scotter E, Glover L, Hortobagyi T, Arnold ES, Ling SC, McAlonis M, Da Cruz S, Polymenidou M, Tessarolo L, Cleveland DW, Shaw CE (2015) Wild type human TDP-43 potentiates ALS-linked mutant TDP-43 driven progressive motor and cortical neuron degeneration with pathological features of ALS. Acta Neuropathol Commun.
Maniecka Z, Polymenidou M (2015) From nucleation to widespread propagation: A prion-like concept for ALS. Virus Research.
Laferriere F, Polymenidou M (2015) Advances and challenges in understanding the multifaceted pathogenesis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Swiss Medical Weekly.
Lagier-Tourenne C, Baughn M, Rigo F, Sun S, Liu P, Li HR, Jiang J, Watt AT, Chun S, Katz M, Qiu J, Sun Y, Ling S-C, Zhu Q, Polymenidou M, Drenner K, Artates JW, McAlonis-Downes M, Markmiller S, Hutt KR, Pizzo DP, Cady J, Harms MB, Baloh RH, Vandenberg SR, Yeo GW, Fu X-D, Bennett CF, Cleveland DW, Ravits J (2013) Targeted degradation of sense and antisense C9orf72 RNA foci as therapy for ALS and frontotemporal degeneration PNAS.
Ling SC, Polymenidou M, Cleveland DW (2013) Converging mechanisms in ALS and FTLD through disrupted RNA or protein homeostasis, Neuron.
Arnold ES, Ling S-C, Huelga SC, Lagier-Tourenne C, Polymenidou M, Ditsworth D, Kordasiewicz HB, McAlonis-Downes M, Platoshyn O, Parone PA, DaCruz S, Clutario KM, Swing D, Tessarollo L, Marsala M, Shaw CE, Yeo GW, Cleveland DW (2013) ALS-linked TDP-43 mutations produce aberrant RNA splicing and adult-onset motor neuron disease without aggregation or loss of nuclear TDP-43 PNAS.
Baral PK, Wieland B, Swayampakula M, Polymenidou M, Rahman MH, Kav NNV, Aguzzi A, James MNG (2012) Structural studies on the folded domain of the human prion protein bound to the Fab fragment of the antibody POM1 Acta Crystallogr.
Lagier-Tourenne C*, Polymenidou M*, Hutt KR*, Vu AQ, Clutario K, Baughn M, Huelga SC, Ling SC, Liang TY, Mazur C, Wancewicz E, Kim AS, Watt A, Freier S, Hicks GG, Donohue JP, Shiue L, Bennett CF, Ravits J, Cleveland DW and Yeo GW (2012) Divergent roles of ALS-linked proteins FUS/TLS and TDP-43 intersect in processing long pre-mRNAs, Nature Neuroscience. [*equal contribution]
Polymenidou M, Cleveland DW (2012) Prion-like spread of protein aggregates in neurodegeneration Journal of Experimental Medicine.
Polymenidou M*, Lagier-Tourenne C*, Hutt KR*, Bennett CF, Yeo GW, Cleveland DW (2012) Misregulated RNA processing in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Brain Research.
Baral PK, Wieland B, Swayampakula M, Polymenidou M, Aguzzi A, Kav NNV, James MNG (2011) Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of prion protein bound to the Fab fragment of the POM1 antibody Acta Crystal.
Polymenidou M, Cleveland DW (2011) The Seeds of Neurodegeneration: Prion-like Spreading in ALS. Cell,
Polymenidou M*, Lagier-Tourenne C*, Hutt KR*, Huelga SC, Moran J, Liang TY, Ling SC, Sun E, Wancewicz E, Mazur C, Kordasiewicz H, Sedaghat Y, Donohue JP, Shiue L, Bennett CF, Yeo GW, Cleveland DW (2011) Long pre-mRNA depletion and RNA missplicing contribute to neuronal vulnerability from loss of TDP-43 Nature Neurosc, [*equal contribution]
Hafner-Bratkovič I, Bester R, Pristovšek P, Gaedtke L, Veranič P, Gašperšič J, Manček-Keber M, Avbelj M, Polymenidou M, Julius C, Aguzzi A, Vorberg I, Jerala R (2011) Globular domain of the prion protein needs to be unlocked by domain swapping to support prion protein conversion Journal of Biological Chemistry,
Polymenidou M*, Prokop S*, Jung HH, Hewer E, Peretz D, Moos R, Tolnay M, Aguzzi A (2011) Atypical prion protein conformation in familial prion disease with PRNP P105T mutation Brain Pathology, [*equal contribution]
Lagier-Tourenne C*, Polymenidou M*, Cleveland DW (2010) TDP-43 and FUS/TLS: emerging roles in RNA processing and neurodegeneration Human Mol Gen, [*equal contribution]
Ilieva H, Polymenidou M, Cleveland DW (2009) Non-cell autonomous toxicity in neurodegenerative disorders: ALS and beyond, Journal of Cell Biology,
Xanthopoulos K, Polymenidou M, Bellworthy S, Benestad S, Sklaviadis T (2009) Species and Strain Glycosylation Patterns of PrPSc, PLoS One,
Le Pichon C, Valley M, Polymenidou M, Chesler A, Sagdullaev B, Aguzzi A, Firestein S (2009) Olfactory behavior and physiology are disrupted in prion protein knockout mice Nature Neuroscience.
Heikenwalder M, Kurrer M, Margalith I, Julius C, Zeller N, Haybaeck J, Polymenidou M, Matter M, Schwarz P, Bremer J, Kranich J, Jackson W, Lindquist S, Sigurdson CJ, Aguzzi A (2008) Lymphotoxin-dependent prion replication in inflammatory stromal cells of granulomas, Immunity.
Polymenidou M, Moos R, Scott M, Sigurdson M, Shi Y-Z, Yajima B, Hafner-Bratkovič I, Jerala R, Hornemann S, Wuthrich K, Bellon A, Vey M, Garen G, James MNG, Kav N, Aguzzi A (2008) The POM monoclonals a comprehensive set of antibodies to non-overlapping prion protein epitopes PloS One.
Polymenidou M, Cleveland DW (2008) Motor neuron disease: The curious ways of ALS, Nature
Kranich J, Krautler NJ, Heinen E, Polymenidou M, Bridel C, Schildknecht A, Huber C, Kosco-Vilbois MH, Zinkernagel R, Miele G, Aguzzi A (2008) Follicular dendritic cells control engulfment of apoptotic bodies by secreting Mfge8 Journal of Experimental Medicine
Polymenidou M*, Trusheim H*, Stallmach L, Moos R, Julius C, Lenz-Bauer C, Aguzzi A, (2008) Canine MDCK cell lines are refractory to infection with human and mouse prions Vaccine [*equal contribution]
Sigurdson CJ*, Nilsson P*, Hornemann S, Manco G, Polymenidou M, Schwarz P, Leclerc M, Hammarström P, Aguzzi A (2007) Prion strain discrimination using luminescent conjugated polymers, Nature Methods [*equal contribution]
Aguzzi A, Heikenwalder M, Polymenidou M (2007)Insights into prion strains and neurotoxicity, Nature Rev Mol Cell Biol
Sigurdson CJ, Manco G, Schwarz P, Liberski P, Hoover EA, Hornemann S, Polymenidou M, Miller MW, Glatzel M, Aguzzi A (2006) Strain fidelity of chronic wasting disease upon murine adaptation Journal of Virology
Sigurdson CJ, Polymenidou M, Aguzzi A (2005) Reconstructing prions: fibril assembly from simple yeast to complex mammals, Neurodegenerative Dis
Polymenidou M*, Stoeck K*, Glatzel M, Vey M, Bellon A, Aguzzi A (2005) Coexistence of multiple PrPSc types in individuals with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Lancet Neurology, 4, 805-14 [*equal contribution]
Donofrio G*, Heppner FL*, Polymenidou M, Musahl C, Aguzzi A (2005) Paracrine inhibition of prion propagation by anti-PrP single-chain Fv miniantibodies, Journal of Virology. [*equal contribution]
Polymenidou M*, Heppner FL*, Pellicioli EC, Urich E, Miele G, Braun N, Wopfner F, Schätzl HM, BecherB, Aguzzi A (2004) Humoral immune response to native eukaryotic prion protein correlates with anti-prion protection, PNAS. [*equal contribution]
Heikenwalder M*, Polymenidou M*, Junt T, Sigurdson C, Wagner C, Akira S, Zinkernagel R, Aguzzi A (2004) Lymphoid follicle destruction and immunosuppression after repeated CpG oligodeoxynucleotide administration Nature Medicine [*equal contribution]
Aguzzi A, Polymenidou M (2004) Mammalian Prion Biology: One Century of Evolving Concepts, Cell
Polymenidou M, Verghese-Nikolakaki S, Groschup M, Chaplin MJ, Stack MJ, Plaitakis A, Sklaviadis T (2002) A short purification process for quantitative isolation of PrPSc from naturally occurring and experimental transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, BMC Infectious Diseases
Verghese-Nikolakaki S, Michaloudi H, Polymenidou M, Groschup MH, Papadopoulos GC, Sklaviadis T (1999) Expression of the prion protein in the rat forebrain – an immunohistochemical study, Neuroscience Letters